Let’s Collaborate! 

Oregon Queer History Collective is a small, community driven and all volunteer run organization, often with limited resources and funds. Nonetheless, we find creative and innovative ways to document, preserve, and share our local queer histories, largely thanks to folks like you who want to volunteer with us! 

We are working to organize better volunteer opportunities for you and us. Our current volunteer survey is our way to initiate some organization. We’d love to hear what you are interested in and what you’d like to contribute to best work together! This reflects our move towards a collective model to serve as a space for you to work on your own programming and projects! 

Find the volunteer sign-up form at this link, or click on the form!

Of course, we will still have general volunteer needs, ranging from administrative support to fundraising and event support. 

Through our collaboration, we’d be happy to write letters of recommendation, connect you with other community members, and potentially supervise internships for academic credit.

Do you have information to share, or materials to donate?

If you have scrapbooks, pictures, documents or reminiscences about LGBTQ life in the Pacific Northwest anytime in the last hundred years or so, GLAPN would like to hear from you. Perhaps you'd like to share your archives – or give them to us outright! Perhaps you could volunteer to be the subject of an oral history interview. We could talk about it.

GLAPN will benefit by growing a bigger, more cmprehensive archive. You'll feel good about doing something to combat the isolation and self-deprecation that all-too-frequently are part of LGBTQ life. Somebody out there will be glad to know they are part of a continuum, a community with a history, and they really weren't the only one. Everybody is going to win.

Send us an email now, while you're thinking about it!


Oregon Queer History Collective depends on donations. Our PayPal page is still in our old name, but be assured your donation will end up in the right place! A click on the button below will take you to PayPal, where you may securely make a donation using your credit card.


Little GLAPN return

P.O. Box 3646 • Portland, OR 97208-3646 •
Copyright © 2015, Gay & Lesbian Archives of the Pacific Northwest