Last edited: January 06, 2005

Saudi Arabia Censors Gay Website U.K., June 20, 2003

The Government of Saudi Arabia, one of the most oppressive regimes in the Middle East despite receiving US and UK backing, has forbidden its subjects from accessing the only gay Arab news and information site on the Internet.

This draconian measure, by the Internet Services Unit, only affects those computers inside Saudi Arabia.

Users who attempt to access from within the Kingdom have said that instead of accessing the site a message is posted on the screen stating ‘Access to the requested URL is not allowed!’

GME have issued a statement saying that attempts to contact the ISU have not been successful and that they have yet to receive a reply from them.

The statement said: “The management and writers of GME feel that this move on the part of Saudi Arabia’s authorities is a violation of the right of free speech.”

GME is affiliated to Canadian based website, carrying their newsfeeds. The site contains no pornographic material, as its purpose is to provide local news coverage within the Arab community and to offer travel information.

The owners of GME believe that the Saudi government’s actions are in violation of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The statement concluded by calling on the Government, in the most respectful yet strongest terms to unblock access to the GME site.

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