Last edited: January 05, 2005

Human Rights Abuses Against Gay Men Continue While Hosni Mubarak Visits the United States

Al-Fatiha, March 4, 2002
P.O. Box 33532, Washington, DC 20033
Email: and
Action Alert

Email/Phone/Fax The Egyptian Government On Tuesday, March 5th!

1) President Mohammad Hosni Mubarak
FAX: +202 390 1998
Salutation: Your excellency

2) Ambassador M. Nabil Fahmy
Tel. 202 895 5400
Fax: 202 244 4319 and 202 244 5131
Email: and

3) Egyptian consulates

Consulate General of Egypt – Chicago
Tel. (312) 828-9162

Consulate General of Egypt – Houston
Tel. (713) 961-4915

Consulate General of Egypt – New York
Tel. (212) 759-7120/7121/7122

Consulate General of Egypt – San Francisco
Tel. (415) 346-9700

Hosni Mubarak, President of Egypt will meet with George W. Bush, President of the United States on Tuesday, March 5th, 2002.

While Mubarak meets with Bush, dozens of men sit in jail in Egypt because of their alleged sexual orientation. More still face trials in front of Egyptian State and Security courts with no right of appeal. And even more are being lured off the internet, picked up on streets, arrested, and tortured daily!

Al-Fatiha calls on people of conscience living in the United States to email/phone/fax the Egyptian government on Tuesday, March 5th and urge Egypt to respect the basic human rights of all of its citizens!

  • Call for the immediate and unconditional release of all men who have been arrested because of their actual or perceived sexual orientation.

  • Call for Egypt to abide by the UN International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to which Egypt is a state party. The trials in which dozens of men have been convicted violate basic international standards for fair trials.

  • Urge the Egyptian government to respect the basic human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people.

  • Call on the Egyptian government to abide by international human rights laws that respect freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

Al-Fatiha is an international organization dedicated to Muslims who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and those questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity.

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