Last edited: December 06, 2004

Inside The Taliban Reign of Terror

New York Post, September 23, 2001 (excerpt)
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036
Fax: 212-930-8546

By Mark Epstein

. . . "No other Islamic regime has pushed the interpretation of the shariat so far, to the point of devising novel forms of punishment. Take gay men, for example. Mullahs argued for months about what to do with them. Should they be pushed from the top of a cliff? Forced to jump from a high building? Or should they be made to lie in a hole in the ground while a wall was knocked down on them?"

"The last scenario was deemed closest to recommendations in the Haddiths, the apocryphal comments by Muhammed on Allah's teachings. But because many victims survived the punishment, the reclusive Taliban leader, Mullah Omar, decided a bulldozer would crush their bodies as well."

"Such sadistic cruelty is extraordinary in a country where love among men is the subject of both many jokes and poems. As far back as the 16th century, King Baber, the founder of the Great Mogul Empire, writing his memoirs in Kabul, described his "boundless love" for the son of a bazaar merchant." . . .

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