Last edited: February 02, 2005

Log Cabin Republicans Renews Call for Santorum to Retract Harmful Comments

LCR Encourages All Republicans Leaders to Speak Out Against Intolerance

White House Should Lead the Way

Log Cabin Republicans, April 25, 2003
For immediate release
Contact: Public Affairs Mark Mead
202-347-5306 ext. 112, mobile 202-297-5026

WASHINGTON—At the White House today presidential spokesman Ari Fleischer said that the President believes that Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) is an inclusive politician. Log Cabin Republicans continue to believe that the statements by Rick Santorum are not inclusive. Santorum’s comments divide Republicans, divide conservatives and divide the American family.

“We call on all Republican elected officials, including President Bush, to distance themselves from Santorum’s harmful statements that divide the American family. The GOP has been winning elections by campaigning and governing in an inclusive way. Now is the time to renew that commitment ,” said Log Cabin Republicans Executive Director Patrick Guerriero. The Log Cabin Republicans also renewed their call for Senator Santorum to retract his comments about gay and lesbian Americans, apologize for those comments and pledge to help make tolerance and inclusion a permanent part of the Republican Party.

“Senator Santorum’s remarks were deeply harmful to a valuable portion of the American family. His refusal to help heal the wounds from his remarks have done a disservice to the United States Senate, the Republican party, and the President,” said Log Cabin Republican Executive Director Patrick Guerriero. “The White House should lead the way in distancing the party from these remarks,” Guerriero concluded.


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