Last edited: February 12, 2005

Sen. Santorum Slammed

Erie Times News, April 27, 2003
205 W. 12th Street, Erie, PA 16534
Fax: 814-870-1808

Like many Pennsylvanians and U.S. citizens, I am outraged by Senator Rick Santorum’s recent unprovoked and vicious attack on GLBT citizens. In commenting on an upcoming U.S. Supreme Court decision, the third-highest-ranking U.S. Senator compared being gay to incest, bigamy and adultery. Getting himself into “Lott” water, he is trying to back away and state that he didn’t mean to denigrate gay people. I firmly believe that there are politicians who are fair-minded and genuinely believe in justice. But when I hear Trent Lott praising someone who ran on a pro-segregationist platform, or Santorum slamming me and my community or Rick Schenker threatening the Human Relations Commission under whatever cover story he thinks people will fall for, I find myself more than a bit dismayed and skeptical.

However, I am even more incensed by his quote, “All of those things are antithetical to a healthy, stable, traditional family. And that’s sort of where we are in today’s world, unfortunately. It all comes from, I would argue, this right to privacy that doesn’t exist, in my opinion, in the United States Constitution.” So, apparently Santorum thinks that gay people and families are to blame for problems that straight families have. (So much for personal responsibility—no need to take charge of your own life when there are hated enemies to blame.) And even more alarming, he believes that the U.S. Constitution does not include the right to privacy for the most private and intimate aspects of people’s lives. Hasn’t the Republican Party presented itself as the party of smaller government? How much more invasive can government possibly get?

Santorum needs to apologize and step down.

—Michael Kenton Mahler, Erie Gay News, Erie

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