Last edited: January 02, 2005

Amicus Briefs—Lawrence and Garner v. Texas

Soulforce, February 18, 2003

Soulforce, Inc is proud to announce that we have signed on to the Friend of the Court (Amicus) Brief in the case of Lawrence and Garner v. Texas.

John Lawrence and Tyron Garner were arrested in Lawrence’s Houston home and jailed overnight after officers responding to a false police report found the men engaged in private, consensual sex. Once convicted, they were forced to pay fines and are now considered sex offenders in several states.

Lambda Legal is representing Lawrence and Garner in the Supreme Court of the United States, where the Justices will hear arguments on whether Texas’s “Homosexual Conduct” law is constitutional.

This is a significant step forward because it means the court has seen the serious constitutional problems with laws that criminalize sex by consenting gay couples and is willing to look at them closely.

Texas’s law and others like it are widely used to justify discrimination against gay people in everyday life; they’re invoked in denying employment to gay people, in refusing custody or visitation for gay parents, and even in intimidating gay people out of exercising their First Amendment rights.

See for more information.

Soulforce is part of the “civil rights organizations” amicus brief found at

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