Last edited: March 28, 2004



  • Statute: Repealed 1978


            1892     Iowa enacts its first statute against sodomy and the enacting law says that it will become law upon publication in two stated newspapers. Though technically either paper thus is given a veto power over the new law, it is published promptly by both.

            1904     The Iowa Supreme Court is the first to get a sodomy defense claim of “irresistable insane impulse.” The Court rejects the argument.

            1907     A new law requires first time offender male prisoners to be sent to the state reformatory instead of prison, except for those convicted of four offenses, one of them sodomy.

            1925     The Iowa Supreme Court is the first to get a sodomy defense of drunkeness. It rejects the argument.

            1970     Iowa enacts a unique law requiring a coroner’s inquest into deaths caused by “crimes against nature.”


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