Last edited: January 01, 2005


Letter: Grave Sin

Lincoln Journal Star, June 2, 2002
P.O. Box 81689, Lincoln, NE 68501
Fax: 402-473-7291 email:

I agree with the Rev. Charles Stephen’s affirmation of the pledge between two people "to love each other, support each other and care for each other" (letter, May 30). Isn’t self-giving love the basis of all Christianity? Every one of us is called to love, support and care for all unconditionally. Included in this love is to admonish those who have knowingly or unknowingly twisted this call to love into permission to commit a grave sin, sodomy, which the Catechism of St. Pius X says "cries out to heaven for vengeance" (Genesis 19:13).

I admit to Stephen that I cry out with "narrow piety," for the path to eternal life is narrow and the road to hell is wide (Matthew 7:13). I also respond with "loud intolerance" to the sin of sodomy because I believe it, like all sin, clouds our vision of the truth and consumes our freedom.

- John Rutledge, Lincoln

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